A. Background
The Faculty of Education (FIP or Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan), Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha or UNDIKSHA has a vision to become a leading faculty based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia by 2045. To achieve this vision, strategic efforts need to be implemented to support the achievement of UNDIKSHA’s FIP Vision through the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. Tridharma underlies the activities carried out by a university which include teaching, research, and service. In essence, all activities that use human intellectual property produce intellectual property products. The implementation of the tridharma of higher education is very loaded with intellectual property content both in terms of input, process and output. The Tridharma activity is attached to each individual lecturer who makes universities as producers of intellectual property.
Article 1 point 2 of Law no. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, states that Lecturers, to refer to the notion of educators at the higher education level, are professional educators and scientists who have the main task of transforming, developing, and disseminating science, technology, and the arts through education, research and community service. This is reaffirmed in the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Higher Education Standards in article 1 point 14.
Meanwhile, Article 12 of Law num. 12 of 2012 states that Lecturers as members of the Academic Civitas have the task of transforming the Science and/or Technology they control to students by creating an atmosphere of learning so that students actively develop their potential. Lecturers as scientists have the task of developing a branch of Science and/or Technology through scientific reasoning and research and disseminating it. Lecturers individually or in groups are required to write textbooks or textbooks, which are published by universities and/or scientific publications as a source of learning and for the development of academic culture and the cultivation of reading and writing activities for the Academic Civitas.
Article 60 of Law no. 14 of 2005 states that in carrying out professional duties, lecturers are obliged to: (a) carry out education, research, and community service; (b) planning, implementing the learning process, as well as assessing and evaluating learning outcomes; (c) continuously improve and develop academic qualifications and competencies in line with the development of science, technology, and the arts; (d) act objectively and non-discriminatory on the basis of considerations of gender, religion, ethnicity, race, certain physical conditions, or the socioeconomic background of students in learning; (e) uphold the laws and regulations, laws and codes of ethics, as well as religious and ethical values; and (f) maintain and foster national unity and integrity.
In relation to the duties of lecturers, FIP has 3 missions, namely (1) Organizing dignified education and teaching to produce intelligent, professional and competitive human resources based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. (2) Organizing humanist, collaborative, innovative, and competitive education to develop and apply science and technology based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. (3) Organizing humanist, collaborative, innovative and competitive community service based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.
Based on the mission of FIP UNDIKSHA and referring to the duties and obligations of lecturers, lecturers are required to produce innovative works. Educational activities of a lecturer can produce learning methods, teaching aids, curriculum, teaching materials and so on. Besides that, research activities and community service have the potential to generate intellectual property through innovative works. Innovative works of lecturers can be in the form of scientific articles, patents, or intellectual property rights, and others. The works produced by lecturers do not only collaborate with lecturers, but various references expect student involvement in the lecturers' innovative work. For this reason, efforts are needed to create a conducive system so that both lecturers and students are encouraged to carry out activities that produce high-quality work. For this reason, the innovation group is tasked with facilitating the development of innovative works of FIP lecturers and students.
B. Objectives
The targets for the Undiksha FIP innovation group include:
- The increasing number of innovative works of FIP UNDIKSHA lecturers and students in the form of patents and simple patents.
- The increasing number of innovative works of FIP UNDIKSHA lecturers and students in the form of Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI or Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual) types of copyright.
- The increasing number of innovative works of FIP UNDIKSHA lecturers and students in the form of licenses.
- The increasing number of innovative works of FIP UNDIKSHA lecturers and students in the form of innovation products.
- The increasing number of innovative works of FIP UNDIKSHA lecturers and students in the form of R & D projects.
- Increasing the number of innovative works of FIP UNDIKSHA lecturers and students in the form of student entrepreneurship projects.
C. Strategy of Achievements
To achieve the targets that have been set, the strategies adopted by the FIP innovation group are as follows.
- Conducting research and innovative community service that results in patents
- Collaborating with fellow FIP lecturers and students to design patents
- Collaborating with lecturers outside FIP to produce patents
- Require each lecturer to produce 1 teaching aid for certain subjects each semester involving students (5-10 students)
- Encouraging the works/products of lecturers and students to be produced
- Increase the number of development research conducted by lecturers
- Increase the number of development research conducted by students
- Assigning several students from each study programme to carry out student entrepreneurship development activities
- Require the entrepreneurship course to produce student entrepreneurship projects
- Provide opportunities for students to take Freedom to Learn-Independent Campus (MBKM or Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka) student entrepreneurship projects (equivalent to 20 credits)
The working programmes of the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha FIP innovation unit in 2021 is as follows.
- Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI or Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual) (copyrights, patents, simple patents, brands, etc.) by inviting competent sources.
- Focus Group Discussion FIP lecturers' scientific group
- Data collection and online submission of HAKI (copyrights, patents, simple patents, brands, etc.) lecturers and students
- Organizing exhibitions (offline/online) of innovative products of FIP lecturers and students
- Facilitating lecturers and students in innovation competitions
- Creating a catalog of research products for lecturers and students (bilingual)