The Faculty of Education takes strategic steps to develop the faculty and achieve the faculty's vision and mission. The strategic steps taken by the faculty of education refer to the vision and mission of the faculty and university.
The Faculty of Education’s vision:
To become a leading university based on the Tri Hita Karana (Three Causes to Prosperity) philosophy in Asia by 2045.
The Faculty of Education’s missions:
Organizing dignified education and teaching to produce competitive, collaborative, and characterized human resources based on the Tri Hita Karana.
Organizing competitive, collaborative, and innovative research for the development and application of sciences and technology based on the Tri Hita Karana.
Organizing competitive, collaborative, accommodating, and innovative community service based on the Tri Hita Karana.

The meaning of the faculty's vision
Superior means that the advantages that Undiksha expects to have in Asia as a state university are seen from three indicators, namely competitive, characterized, and collaborative.
The Tri Hita Karana philosophy is a philosophy of life originating from the Balinese people that contains 3 (three) elements that build balance and harmony (harmony) in the relationship between humans and God, humans with other humans, and humans and the environment, which is a source of prosperity (welfare), peace (peacefulness), and happiness for human life. The relationship with God can be done by praying and being grateful for everything that is obtained in life, especially science and technology, obtained through the education and learning process at Undiksha. Human relations can be built through the development of a spirit of compassion, tolerance, mutual respect, mutual respect, and mutual care for one another. Currently, Undiksha, as the only university in Bali whose students are predominantly Hindu, has a prayer room. The current number of students who are Muslim (academic year 2017/2018) is 23.86% of the total students. This is a form of tolerance between religious communities as well as a form of harmonious relationship between humans and God. Human relations with the environment can be done by maintaining the surrounding environment to keep it clean, conducive, and sustainable so as to provide positive inspiration for attitudes and daily behavior. Based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy, the human resources and science and technology built at Undiksha always uphold the values of God, human values, and environmental conservation values to improve welfare, peace, and harmony.
The year of 2045 is the time frame of the age of “Golden Indonesia.” In 2045, Indonesia will get a demographic bonus, namely 70% of Indonesia’s population is in productive age (15-64 years old), while the remaining 30% is unproductive population (under 14 years old and above 65 years old) at the period of 2020-2045. Indonesia must be able to create superior quality of young people who are able to answer the challenges of the times towards 100 years of Indonesia. The Golden Generation must be carried out by all elements of society, especially educational institutions that play an important role in preparing future generations of Indonesia who have comprehensive intelligence, who are productive, innovative, peaceful in their social interactions, healthy, healthy in their natural interactions and superior civilized. Meanwhile, to achieve superiority in the Asian region, it is determined based on the current condition of Undiksha, where Undiksha is a state university that is developing rapidly so that superiority (competitive, characterized, collaborative, and cultured) will be achieved when Indonesia enters the Golden Age (100 years) in the Asian region.