The Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program will soon undergo reaccreditation. It is estimated that this reaccreditation will be carried out in mid-July 2020. There are quite a lot of preparations that have to be made, so far preparations have been underway in the form of supporting data and transfer of data from the form hard copy to the soft copy and integrated into information systems. Regarding the strategy to increase the accreditation of study programs by considering the situation during this pandemic, the coordinator of the PG PAUD study program, Putu Rahayu Ujiti, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist, explained “We are preparing as complete supporting data as possible supported by the best possible information system because Visitation will be carried out online.” All PG PAUD lecturers are supported by the Dean and the staff are involved in making this activity a success. The Faculty of Education also plays an important role in encouraging and supporting all preparations. Rahayu hopes that “this activity can run smoothly, preparations will be without significant obstacles and the study program can obtain accreditation