From Monday, 20 July 2020 to Friday, 24 July 2020, 60 lecturers from the Faculty of Education took part in Refresher activities for Lecturers and Teachers at LPTK. The activities carried out over 5 days were motivated by the importance of improving the quality of PPG implementation. This is also a form of special attention from the LPTK Chancellors who organize PPG. The opening event, which lasted 90 minutes, was filled with the singing of the song Indonesia Raya, a report from the PPG coordinator, remarks/directions by the Chancellor, and ended with a prayer.
In his speech Prof.Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd as Undiksha Chancellor conveyed 5 main points. First, it is related to the challenges of LPTK, both internal and external, which are being challenged internally to do better in improving teacher quality. Second, about the historical perspective of implementing teacher certification. The third concerns the weaknesses and strengths of lecturers during the refresher course based on the results of reflections carried out by the national core facilitators. Fourth, the results of monitoring the implementation of PPG in Position are discussed which show that the workshop has not been optimal in developing learning tools and has not been structured, systematic, and optimal in implementing PPL. Finally, it is hoped that prospective lecturers and tutor teachers who take part in the refresher will be able to carry out their duties and functions well to maintain the reputation of LPTK as a producer of professional teachers.
In this activity, there are several refreshment units. Unit 1, Deepening of pedagogical material (4 JP), deepening of subject matter (6 JP). Unit 2, Development of learning tools (8 JP). Unit 3, Review of learning tool development & Reflection (6 JP). Unit 4, PPL 1 & 2 (8 JP). Unit 5, PPL 1 and 2 Review & Reflection (4 JP). So the total JP Refreshment becomes 36 JP.
On Saturday, July 18 2020, before the refresher was held, participants were given access to the GTK LMS along with a Video Tutorial on using the LMS guided by the LPTK IT admin who had attended the national level refresher. Apart from that, on the fifth day, there will be a pedagogical assessment based on the field of study. Later, the results of this refresher course for lecturers and tutors will be communicated to LPTK leaders, becoming national data and the basis for mapping LPTK organizers of PPG.