The provision of teaching assistance at the Faculty of Education education unit is held on Thursday, February 18 to February 19, 2021. This activity invites the Vice Rector I, Dean, Vice Dean, the head and the secretary of departments, Head of Schools partner, Students and Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Development Team. This activity was officially opened by Undiksha vice Rector I (WR I), Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.T.I. In stating that conveying that Teaching Assistance is part of the Kampus Merdeka Merdeka Belajar Program. Which this program will not run well if there is no assistance from schools partner, therefore the role of the school is very important in the success of this program. In addition, Gede Rasben Dantes also conveyed to students who will take part in this program, to really focus and be serious while participating in the Teaching Assistance Program. This is because “Independent Learning is how we interpret experience as a learning process,” concluded Gede Rasben Dantes as a closing ceremony and officially opened the Teaching Assistance Briefing.
After the event was officially opened, then it was continued with the presentation of material from the Chairperson of Gugus Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), Dr. Putu Nanci Riastini, S.Pd., M.Pd. In this case Putu Nanci delivered material about Instructions for Implementing Teaching Assistance. In this case there is more emphasis on the activities that must be carried out by the Teaching Assistance Program participants when they are already in school. In addition, Putu Nanci also asked the Principal to continue to assist and give grades to the Teaching Assistance participants. After the presentation from the Chairperson of Gugus MBKM FIP, it was continued with the delivery of material from the second speaker, Dr. dr. Made Kurnia Widiastuti Giri, S.Ked. M.Kes. who delivered material on health protocols. This is done so that the Teaching Assistance participants continue to apply the Health Protocol wherever they are. Because according to dr. The gift of students as prospective teachers must be an example in implementing health protocols. “In addition to having the success of Merdeka Belajar Program, students are also expected to be able to become role models in implementing Health Protocols,” said the doctor who is often called Doctor Nia. Furthermore, it was continued by the third speaker on Communication and Soft skills in the World of Work, by Dewa Ayu Puteri Handayani, S.Psi., M.Sc. In this third material, the participants are expected to bring changes to schools, where participants who are millennial generation are more familiar with technology. Dewa Ayu Putri also conveyed that communication skills are very important for a prospective teacher because the teacher will become a facilitator in the learning process. In addition, participants are expected to be able to maintain good and polite communication when going to school so that they will become good examples for the environment. Participants are also expected to master expertise in the field of technology, be it the use of media in the online learning process. Dr. I Gede Margunayasa, S.Pd. M.Pd., as the fourth speaker delivered material about Teaching and Learning Assistance Systems during the Pandemic. In his presentation of the material, he emphasized three things, namely (1) whatever the mode of learning, the nature of learning must not change. (2) Pedati Patterns can be done offline or online. (3) Online learning can use Zoom, Google Meet, WA Group, LMS etc. The presentation of material from I Gede Margunayasa as the closing activity on the first day. (HUMAS FIP)