Singaraja– The Faculty of Education (FIP) is not only prestigious in the academic field but also in the fields of interest and talent. Through the Ganesha Fashion and Beauty Festival performance entitled “Ethure” which was initiated by students of the Undiksha Family Welfare Education Study Program (PKK), I Gusti Agung Ayu Putu Listyana, a student of the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) managed to look stunning in her clothes and clothes. makeup, the creation and taste initiated by Warsaditha Aprila Arista, a student at the Undiksha PKK Study Program, at the Undiksha Singaraja Auditorium (03/07/2022) evening.
It was confirmed that after the activity, he, who is familiarly called Gung Ayu, expressed his pride after being allowed to channel his interest in the world. Modelling. She hopes that this event can become the initial capital to develop themselves to be better. This student, who is active as a functionary of the Basic Education Department Student Association (HMJ) (Pendas), also invites the academic community of the Faculty of Education to always encourage themselves to develop their interests and talents. “I am very proud of myself because I have been allowed to develop my interest in this fashion and beauty show. So in the future, I hope to continue to develop myself, so that I can become a Professional Model. “Then for fellow students, come on, show your interests and talents, don’t be afraid of failure, and most importantly, keep progressing,” she concluded. (hms Dewa Nida)