This storm, which brought floods, landslides, strong winds, and high waves, has devastated several areas in NTT. Not a few of those who became victims were forced to dispose of their valuable possessions. Apart from losing property, the storm also claimed many lives. Therefore, on Thursday, April 8 2021, all BEM Faculty and HMJ in the Undiksha environment made open donations for our brothers and sisters in NTT in the form of taking to the streets. Each BEM Faculty and HMJ delegated 2 people, where each delegate was tasked with carrying an open donation box in at each point in the Singaraja area, this activity is carried out in the morning and afternoon so that by collecting these funds we immediately transfer the donation money to relatives in NTT through representatives from BEM REMA, only in this way can we help the victims of the disaster that hit NTT, We hope that in the future the disaster that hit NTT will end soon and our brothers and sisters there can gather and carry out their activities as usual.