At the end of the entire semester, universities graduate graduates who have studied for 4 years. Likewise, in the PGSD Study Program, Undiksha, to date 230 PGSD students have taken their thesis exams. This number represents 80% of the total number of students in the PGSD Study Program, Undiksha Faculty of Education. According to Dr. I Gede Margunayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Study Program Coordinator, there are several strategies implemented by the study program, “current students who graduated in 2020, the 2016 curriculum, yes, the KKNI curriculum is nothing special about this curriculum, but we designed it in semester 7 there are only thesis, seminar, entrepreneurship and concentration courses, approximately in semester 7 there are 13 credits for PPL, so we use the rest of the students’ time to work on their thesis proposals, then in semester 8 students have no more courses. “Yes, there is only a thesis course so that to complete semester 7 students’ proposals in semester 8 they can retrieve data and complete their thesis,” said Marguna.
He added that if there are students who take lower courses, they can take those courses in semester 7 so that in semester 8 they don’t have any more course load other than the thesis, so they can focus on completing their thesis. Together with their supervisors, they are also committed to carrying out an intensive guidance process using academic principles so that they can complete their thesis on time.
For 2020, PGSD students are required to write articles from their thesis. The preparation of this article also received guidance from reviewers, later this article will be published in a journal indexed by SINTA, whether owned by PGSD or managed by the Faculty of Education. Apart from that, according to Marguna, the PGSD Study Program also encourages students to publish articles in journals outside Undiksha, “we also encourage these students to publish in journals outside Undiksha. For example, there are our students who have published in the Primary Education journal in Riau, then there are those at Universitas PGRI Madiun and others. -other”.
Regarding the continuation and plans for the judiciary, we are still waiting for the schedule from the Dean of the Faculty of Education. An important condition that students must remember is that the article must be published before the judiciary. Currently, only 20% of PGSD students have published articles. Marguna is sure that the Faculty of Education journal team will try to publish all articles before the judiciary. He hopes that even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still a situation, students will still be enthusiastic about completing stage by stage and hopefully all of them can graduate this year.