Singaraja – Towards superior quality education, the FIP Undiksha Educational Technology Undergraduate Study Program is ready to achieve Superior Accreditation status in the joint assessment of the Independent Education Accreditation Page (LAMDIK) on January 26, 2024.
This accreditation process does not just provide a label or certificate but is also a comprehensive evaluation of the educational institution or study program. Accreditation helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Educational Technology Study Program (Prodi TP), as well as guiding continuous improvement. In this context, the Undiksha Faculty of Education invited two experienced assessors, Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M. Pd., from Surabaya State University, and Prof. Dr. Haryono, M.Psi., from Semarang State University.
The accreditation carried out by the Undiksha TP FIP Undergraduate Study Program began with opening activities and continued with several sessions, including confirmation of data and information in the Self Evaluation Report (LED). Apart from that, accreditation activities include question-and-answer sessions with lecturers, education staff, and students, as well as other sessions.
The Chancellor of Undiksha, represented by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T, M.T.I., together with the Dean of FIP Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Widiana, S.Pd., M.Pd., along with the ranks of FIP Undiksha, opened the activity which received special attention from various parties. Also present were several stakeholders in Undiksha, the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and Public Relations, the Dean of Undiksha, the Chair of LPPM Undiksha, and the Chair of PJM Undiksha.
This accreditation activity lasted for 2 days and took place in the FIP B Undiksha Seminar Room, Study Program Meeting Room, and FIP Undiksha Accreditation Room (B1.01), on January 26 and 27 2024.
In his speech, Prof. Rasben expressed his pride in the FIP Undiksha academic community who continue to innovate and improve quality, which is proven by obtaining 1st place in the University level Performance Achievement Indicator Rankings for three consecutive years. Apart from that, Prof. Rasben also expressed his hope that the TP Study Program could maintain its current accreditation status and even achieve superior accreditation, providing a positive impact on the wider community as students of the Ganesha University of Education.
“Hopefully this accreditation can run well, maintain or improve its accreditation status to excellence, and have a positive impact on society as students of the Ganesha University of Education,” he concluded. (hms)