Singaraja –Having received International Accreditation status in fact from AQAS, the PGSD FIP Undiksha Study Program is ready to achieve Superior Accreditation status in the joint assessment with LAMDIK (Independent Education Accreditation Site).
It is hoped that the implementation of this accreditation can provide clear direction to improve the quality of education, so that the PGSD Study Program of FIP Undiksha can continue to develop and make a greater contribution to the world of education, and can bring FIP Undiksha to achieve even more brilliant achievements. In this accreditation, there were 2 experienced assessors, namely Lecturers from FIPP Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Udik Budi Wibowo, M.Pd., and Lecturer at FKIP Sebelas Maret University, Dr. Idam Regil Widianto Atmojo, S.Pd., M.Sc.
The accreditation carried out by the PGSD FIP Undiksha Study Program began with an opening activity, which was continued with several sessions consisting of confirming data and information in the Self Evaluation Report (LED). Not only that, the accreditation activity was also filled with question and answer activities with lecturers, education staff, and students, and continued with other sessions.
This activity, which received support from all parties, especially this institution, was opened directly by the Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd., who was accompanied by many stakeholders, including the Deputy Chancellor, Chair of LPPM, Dean, and Chair of PJM within Undiksha. Not only that, the leadership of the Faculty of Education was also present to implement the PGSD Study Program accreditation a success.
This accreditation activity was carried out for 2 days taking place in the FIP B Undiksha Seminar Room, Study Program Meeting Room, and Classroom B1.01 FIP Undiksha, on Monday (11/12/2023).
In his speech, Prof. Lasmawan said that S1 PGSD is one of the study programs within FIP and Undiksha which has received A accreditation and has been internationally accredited with conditional status from AQAS. Not only that, Prof. Lasmawan said that the PGSD Study Program must continue its struggle and, if necessary, move to a higher level.
“I hope that the PGSD Undergraduate Study Program can achieve superior status because I see that the level of academic and non-academic health is the highest. I also have very big hopes, hopefully, my friends at the PGSD S1 Study Program can show the best profile, so that covering which was done by Team AL LAMDIK produced beautiful portraits and very beautiful results as well” Said Prof. Lasmawan in the interview conducted.
In an interview, the Chair of PJM Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Made Agus Darmadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that this accreditation aims to improve the quality of the tri dharma so that it is hoped that each study program can build systems, activities, and programs to improve the quality of education, research, and service.
“PGSD education follows the instrument from Lamdik which consists of 9 criteria that the study program must fulfill so that the study program can be declared whether the study program can then be photographed to be superior. “If these 9 study programs can be implemented, I am sure that the PGSD Study Program can maintain its accreditation,” said Prof. Agus. (Hms)