The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on everyone, including children. In this article, we will explain how to deal with children who are bored and stressed by online learning. Of course with tips from figures who are competent in their fields. She is one of the Undiksha PAUD PG Study Program lecturers who is an expert in the field of psychology, Putu Rahayu Ujiti, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist. Rahayu started discussing this issue in general first, that because of the pandemic, children lacked space to play due to social restrictions. Wanting to play outside is too risky to contract COVID-19, so the space for movement is limited. In addition, with the closure of schools, opportunities to meet peers have also decreased.
She also suggested not to be too demanding of children in completing assignments, teachers should interestingly package assignments, and the importance of parental assistance when studying. “Well, because of these conditions, children no longer need to be asked excessively to complete school assignments as they were before the pandemic.” Then what teachers and parents must do is to establish good communication between the two. She gave an example, “for example, assignment instructions for kindergarten and elementary school children cannot be given in the same way as during face-to-face meetings in class. Teachers should package it interestingly, for example via video or by giving instructions to parents, then parents pass it on to children. Apart from that, while children are studying, they should be accompanied by their parents, that is, parents literally, sit with the child and learn together.”
Dewa Ayu Puteri Handayani, S.Psi., M.Sc also conveyed the same thing, according to her, the online learning method is something that is not usually done by some people, especially young children. “We as lecturers and students are not yet used to this method, then we get used to it and of course, this is not easy for young children. What Puteri means by early childhood is children aged 1-8 years, so it’s not just kindergarten children but also elementary school children. Online learning is challenging for children and causes psychological stress. The psychological pressure felt by children is that children cannot study and play with friends so they feel lonely, get bored easily, and get angry quickly. Both children are required to learn independently even though young children still need a companion or guide in learning. When studying, you always get guidance, but using the online method, it is difficult to carry out and provide guidance, especially with limitations such as internet limitations and so on. Third, some children are not used to studying with their parents and their parents cannot teach their children, resulting in conflict between parents and children when teaching.
Seeing these problems, the PG PAUD study program lecturer suggested 3 things that can be done, namely, (1) Be a pleasant parent so that the child doesn’t miss seeing his teacher and doesn’t want to learn. Use creative and innovative learning while playing methods. (2) Parents become an alarm for children. Time management is important because parents themselves are busy with work, as are children. You have to arrange the time to study and play with gadgets, for example. (3) Align teacher and parent expectations, so parents should not push children away. Parents must communicate with teachers regarding the level of knowledge that their children must understand.