Singaraja– The 2023 National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) officially opened in January. Reporting from, this year the state university in North Bali prepared 5,100 seats for the 2023/2024 academic year which includes three entry routes, namely the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and Independent Selection. As the first faculty at Undiksha, the Faculty of Education offers various study programs, including a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Technology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Guidance and Counselling, a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary School Teacher Education, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education Teacher Education.
To Public Relations, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. I Made Tegeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., welcomed the acceptance of the new students. It is said, this year Undiksha accepted students on the SNBP route with a percentage of 20%, 50% on the SNBT route, and 30% on the Independent route. The official from Panji Village, Buleleng added that increasing the Student Body was a strategic step taken by Undiksha to become a legal entity university (PTN-BH).
“We welcome it with pleasure, full of enthusiasm so that FIP ??students will continue to increase. “Increasing the number of student admissions is indeed the policy of the Chancellor and University Leaders, none other than to fulfill the requirements to become a PTN-BH,” explained Tegeh.
Furthermore, his party said that efforts to increase the quantity and quality of students must also be balanced with adequate learning facilities and infrastructure.
“With the increase in the number of quotas, learning facilities must be prepared, such as internet and so on. If it is Blended Learning, I think we can implement that,” he concluded.
Information on Undiksha student admissions can be accessed via the and (hms Dewa Nida)