Dr. I Komang Sudarma, S.Pd., M.Pd said that based on research results it was found that there was still a weak appreciation for individual differences in intelligence, the individuals in question were students in formal schools. Most still focus on mathematics and language intelligence, “the results of our research here are still many formal school education practices that respect individual differences such as students are still very weak where education still focuses on intelligence linguistics, and mathematics, in the sense that teachers and parents still glorify intelligence linguistics and mathematic “For those who have children who are good at languages ??or mathematics, they are considered the smartest children among their friends,” explained Sudarma.
Apart from quoting Howard Gardner, Sudarma revealed that there are 9 multiple intelligences that play a role in a person’s success in life. According to Sudarma, the lack of schools facilitating other intelligences is not in accordance with the theory according to Busom which says that every child has a unique personality and has a range of intelligences that are ready to be developed. When linked to the National Education System Law no. 20 of 2003, in articles 1 and 3, one of the aims of education is about how to develop the potential of students. This shows that we must be able to develop other potentials that exist within the students themselves.
To carry out education so that it can be called independent learning requires pedagogical competence which must be honed. Educational Technology Study Program, Undiksha Faculty of Education is here to help hone this ability through Community Service in the form of Training Multiple Intelligence Learning Strategies for Elementary School Teachers in Cluster 3, Buleleng District, “Both teachers and ourselves can hone each other on how to develop pedagogical competence, starting from designing the preparation of teaching materials to evaluation, today’s activity supports developing the pedagogical competence of the trainees,” said Sudarma as the training provider.
In this training, the TP Study Program Coordinator explained 9 intelligences consisting of:
- Linguistic Intelligence (ability to speak fluently and logically)
- Mathematical/logical intelligence (good at mathematical calculations and predictions)
- Visual/Spatial Intelligence (able to visualize and imagine in the mind)
- Musical Intelligence (creating, using musical instruments, following rhythm, singing)
- Kinesthetic/physical intelligence (skilled at imitating movements, gymnasts, karateka, sportsmen)
- Inter-Personal Intelligence (social talent, sociable, good at reading people’s reactions)
- Intra-Personal Intelligence (inner control, good at self-reflection/contemplation)
- Naturalist Intelligence (loves the environment, likes planting and raising livestock)
- Existentialist Intelligence (questioning its existence in the world of philosophers)
Then proceed with how to develop this multiple intelligence. As well as training teachers to make lesson plans for one meeting that facilitate multiple intelligences accompanied by appropriate strategies.
The community service which was held on July 10 2020 at SD N 1 Astina Singaraja was finally able to be held smoothly thanks to funding assistance from LPPM Undiksha and Luh Ratnadi, S.Pd as Principal of SD N 1 Astina who was very helpful in providing the place. Participants consisting of teachers were very enthusiastic about participating in the training. Until the end of the activity, Sudarma gave a post-test in the form of the Kahoot game to make it more interesting and not boring.